Our free hearing tests are available to everyone and check for every type of hearing loss.
We aim to provide quality care that works for our local communities here in Chineham and Basingstoke so we offer hearing solutions that are personalised for each patient.
However you want to deal with hearing loss we will do our best to find a solution that works for you.
Improving your hearing can sometimes be as simple as a wax removal procedure.
Ear wax is an important part of a healthy ear but in some cases, it can be over-produced leading to a variety of symptoms including hearing loss.
Our professional audiologist carries out effective and safe wax removal procedures that can quickly help you to improve your hearing.

After you are fitted with a hearing device it’s important to have your hearing retested.
This allows us to be sure that your hearing aid is the right choice for you and check to see if your hearing loss has gotten any worse.
Aftercare appointments are there to offer continued care so you don’t have to deal with hearing loss alone.
Sidra graduated in June 2021 from Aston University and has previously worked as an Audiologist with the NHS. Sidra was really drawn to the unique blend of clinical care and technical expertise that is developed as an Audiologist. She enjoys the theory of audiology very much and finds being able to implement that in real clinical settings fantastic, especially when she sees the impact good hearing aid provision has on quality of life.
Health & Personal
In her spare time, Sidra spends most of her time reading mystery and fantasy novels, and coming up with wild theories as to how a story will conclude - often from the first chapter. When not reading Sidra enjoys drawing and swimming, although she is usually plays a high-stakes game of Tetris with her bookshelf, in a futile attempt to fit another book somewhere.