Our service works for the whole family and we take special care when it comes to children’s eyes. Protecting children’s eyesight and starting them off right with a good approach to eye health can have lifelong consequences.
Regular testing, using quality products and keeping up-to-date on personal eye care are some of the ways to help children keep their eyes healthy.
We do our best to provide the best personalised care whenever you need professional help.
Children often don’t know they have a problem with their eyes and can struggle on their own without getting the treatment or vision correction they need.
This is one of the reasons it’s really important to have their eyes tested regularly to check that their eyes are in good shape and spot any problems as soon as possible.
We use a lot of the same tests for adults with children but also have more child-friendly options which we can use when necessary. All of our examinations are completely thorough so you can be sure your children will get all the care they need.
Children are also entitled to free eye exams through the NHS. This applies to all children under 16 and teenagers under 19 in full-time education.

The prevalence of myopia, or shortsightedness, is increasing rapidly and managing it effectively is more important than ever.
Myopia not only affects vision and development but can also increase the chance of other serious eye conditions.
Myopia can be controlled in different ways using spectacle and contact lenses; we offer both to allow your child the choice of how they want to correct their vision.
Finding the right pair of glasses is important and especially so for children. As well as providing them with a new way of seeing the world, their glasses could make them feel comfortable and confident.
We want all our young clients to experience the best glasses have to offer, so we provide an amazing range of frames and lenses.
This includes specialised lenses designed to correct vision while also managing the progression of myopia to provide better eyesight for longer.

Contact lenses have an amazing range of benefits and this is true for children as well. They allow the freedom to be active, improve self-confidence for children who prefer not to wear glasses and provide excellent quality of vision.
We provide precise fitting services to ensure your child gets contacts that are just right for them.
Myopia management contact lenses are included in our range, which provide vision correction and are proven to slow down the progression of myopia.